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Sexual Perversity in Chicago

Sexual Perversity in Chicago" "The Duck Variations"


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Grove Press
ISBN: 9780802150110
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Two young couples sort out their sex lives in a world of office files and singles bars, and two old men sitting on a park bench reveal their attitudes toward life while discussing the mating habits of ducks....
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Shawl  Prairie du Chien

Shawl Prairie du Chien


Autor: David Mamet; D. Mamet

Wydawnictwo: Grove Press
ISBN: 9780802151728
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
A small-time mystic trying to bilk a bereaved woman of her inheritance and a card game on a violent train ride are the bases for two new plays by the Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright. ...
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Question of Mercy a Play

Question of Mercy a Play


Autor: D. Rabe; David Rabe

Wydawnictwo: Grove Press
ISBN: 9780802135490
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
This volume presents the text of a play that focuses on two gay lovers, one in an exhausting battle with AIDS, and two friends who join together to help the man with AIDS end his life. ...
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Vietnam Plays v.2 Streamers  the Orphan

Vietnam Plays v.2 Streamers the Orphan


Autor: D. Rabe; David Rabe

Wydawnictwo: Grove Press
ISBN: 9780802133458
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
In this volume, Streamers, the story of a group of paratroopers desperately attempting to cope with the chaos of their emotions when they are ordered to Vietnam, is paired with The Orphan, a brilliant synthesis of classic Greek drama and the conflicted character of contemporary America. War is not a political phenomenon but an elemental force, a...
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Largo Desolato

Largo Desolato


Autor: ...

Wydawnictwo: Grove Press
ISBN: 9780802151636
Kategoria: Literatura faktu, reportaż
When Professor Leopold Nettles writes a book that contains passages unacceptable to the government he faces pressures from the state. ...
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Ghost Town

Ghost Town

A nameless rider plods through the desert toward a dusty Western town shimmering on the horizon. In his latest novel, Robert Coover has taken the familiar form of the Western and turned it inside out. The lonesome stranger reaches the town - or rather, it reaches him - and he becomes part of its gunfights, saloon brawls, bawdy houses, train...
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