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EBOOK Amos Walker: The Complete Story Collection

EBOOK Amos Walker: The Complete Story Collection


Autor: Loren D. Estleman

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440531002
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This anthology collects all thirty-two previously published Amos Walker stories, a previously unpublished story written for the collection, and an introduction by Mr. Estleman....
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EBOOK Murder at Midnight

EBOOK Murder at Midnight


Autor: Marshall Cook

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440532276
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Discovered by his young altar server, Father O's body lay on the floor of the sacristy - his throat slit. And so Monona Quinn, editor of the weekly Mitchell Doings, finds herself writing a profile of a dead man for the second time in three months. And just like last time, Mo become obsessed with uncovering his killer, regardless of her...
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EBOOK Twin Killing

EBOOK Twin Killing


Autor: Marshall Cook

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440532436
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Everywhere Monona Quinn goes, people turn up dead - and Mo ends up confronting their killers! First there was Charlie, owner of the town diner and Mo's first friend after moving to little Mitchell, Wisconsin (Murder over Easy). Then there was the parish priest (Murder at Midnight).And now, even a trip to the family farm yields...
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EBOOK Touched

EBOOK Touched


Autor: Carolyn Haines

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440538995
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Johanna McVay is a woman who excites fear and anger in Jexville. She is out-spoken and some say outrageous. When her nine-year-old daughter, Duncan, is struck by lightning while dancing - a pastime frowned upon by the religious elements of the town - some say the uppity family got what it deserved. Duncan survives, but she is changed forever. She...
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EBOOK Old School Bones

EBOOK Old School Bones


Autor: Randall Peffer

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440532337
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Winter in a New England prep school brings term papers, wet snow, and the suicide of a young black student. Except Liberty Baker's friends are convinced she couldn't have taken her own life, and Liberty's faculty advisor, Awasha Patterson, believes them. She is desperate to believe any theory that Liberty's death was...
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EBOOK Florida Heatwave

EBOOK Florida Heatwave


Autor: Michael Lister

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440530968
Kategoria: Pozostałe
From the pine-tree lined rural highways of North Florida through the tourist traps of Central Florida to the tropical, international environs of SOBE, come stories of sun-faded noir, orange pulp served up freshly squeezed by the Sunshine State's very best practitioners....
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