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EBOOK Southern Seahawk

EBOOK Southern Seahawk


Autor: Randall Peffer

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440534034
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A Novel of the Civil War at SeaSouthern Seahawk, the first novel in the Seahawk Trilogy, grows from the true story of Commander Raphael Semmes' rise to infamy, becoming the Union's "e;Public Enemy Number One."e;In June, 1861, Semmes' Confederate cruiser Sumter makes a daring escape through the Federal Blockade of the...
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EBOOK Getting Sassy

EBOOK Getting Sassy


Autor: D.C. Brod

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440530982
Kategoria: Pozostałe
With her nearly broke and practically homeless mother about to land on her doorstep, Robyn Guthrie learns that desperation can play havoc with a daughter's scruples. Otherwise, why would she even consider kidnapping a goat and holding it for ransom?...
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EBOOK Marriage Bed

EBOOK Marriage Bed


Autor: Vernor H. Dixon

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440562914
Kategoria: Pozostałe
October 5Wednesday, 1 a.m.Tonight I have bruises on my arm. Jeff has just left me. I no longer believe he is the same man I married.The brother is locked in his study, drinking. His face is the twin of Jeff's, and sometimes I catch him watching me with the eyes of the man I love. But I cannot tell surely.Someone in this great cliff house is...
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EBOOK Dead Warrior

EBOOK Dead Warrior


Autor: John Myers

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440564635
Kategoria: Pozostałe
"e;I tell you what I'll do,"e; he said. "e;The stage won't be no good to me until Powder Keg amounts to somethin' . . . I'll bet a coach and team against what's on the table, draw and show down."e;His offer was a sufficient warning of his strength. However, I still liked my aces. A pair of them pack a lot of...
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EBOOK Provincetown Follies, Bangkok Blues

EBOOK Provincetown Follies, Bangkok Blues


Autor: Randall Peffer

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440532351
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Luang kho ngu hao. Now I put my hand in the cobra's throat.Tuki Aparecio did not kill her lover. She did not burn down the Painted Lady--at least, not with fire. Tuki lit up the stage nightly, with her hair in braids and her glorious costumes; glittering, smoldering, singing her heart out for an audience who loved her. She brought the house...
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EBOOK In The Light of You

EBOOK In The Light of You


Autor: Nathan Singer

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440532252
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Angry 16 year-old misfit Mikal Fanon has just joined a gang of Neo-Nazi skinheads for reasons that are not entirely clear to him. He is taken in by the leader of the gang, Richard, and the two become fast (and best) friends. Emboldened by his new-found sense of belonging Mikal finds himself committing horrible acts of violence without a second...
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