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EBOOK Killer in the Street

EBOOK Killer in the Street


Autor: Helen Nielsen

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440541230
Kategoria: Pozostałe
It was a Tuesday night in November, 1962. Rain fell slow and steady in Manhattan, slanting hard on near-deserted sidewalks and streets pocked by the occasional twin circles of approaching headlamps. Taxis spawned out from Times Square like predatory bugs in search of new feeding grounds, and here and there a truck rolled heavily past sleeping...
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EBOOK Deadly Weapon

EBOOK Deadly Weapon


Autor: Wade Miller

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440540547
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Her name was Shasta Lynn-a names as phony as the color of her golden hair. She was big and beautiful, and she knew how to tease when she stripped. She was so sensational no one noticed that an admirer in the last row wore a knife sticking in his heart.Curtains go up on a drama of murder, racketeering, dope-peddling, and double-dealing romance. And...
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EBOOK Gun Church

EBOOK Gun Church


Autor: Reed Farrel Coleman

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440551710
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Once a literary wunderkind, author Kip Weiler now teaches creative writing at Brixton County Community Collegea third-rate school in a rural mining town. But when he saves his class from a potential bloodbath, he is initiated by two of his students into a cult-like group that worships the essential nature of handguns, and rekindles his long-absent...
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