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EBOOK Listen to the Dead

EBOOK Listen to the Dead


Autor: Randall Peffer

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440530944
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Inspired by one of the largest unsolved cases of serial killings in the United States, the New Bedford Serial Killings of 1988....
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EBOOK Bangkocck Dragons, Cape Cod Tears

EBOOK Bangkocck Dragons, Cape Cod Tears


Autor: Randall Peffer

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440532214
Kategoria: Pozostałe
When Michael Decastro gets an email from Tuki, the lady of ten thousand mysteries, he doesn't hesitate a moment. He heads to Bangkok to find. . . what? He doesn't know. To face what dangers? He hasn't imagined. All he knows is that she's beckoned, and he can't resist her call.And now, face-to-face with Tuki and a ruby so...
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EBOOK Prayer for Dawn

EBOOK Prayer for Dawn


Autor: Nathan Singer

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440532191
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The lives of a dozen people in Cincinnati, Ohio are inextricably linked in this unrelenting first novel by Nathan Singer.A publicist who writes checks to charities to relieve a guilty conscience, a convict who rants in an underground 'zine, an artist with a controversial portfolio, a runaway engaging in 'petty terrorism', and an...
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EBOOK Delta Blues

EBOOK Delta Blues


Autor: Carolyn Haines

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440530845
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This collection of short fiction captures both the art of the tale and the power of the blues, and is a nod at the human condition that often inspires musicians to write and sing the blues....
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EBOOK Innocent Monster

EBOOK Innocent Monster


Autor: Reed Farrel Coleman

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440531026
Kategoria: Pozostałe
When his estranged daughter Sarah comes to him with a request he cannot refuse, Moe Prager takes a deep breath and plunges back into the icy, opaque waters of secrets and lies....
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EBOOK Deputy

EBOOK Deputy


Autor: Victor Gischler

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440530784
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Coyote Crossing is a dusty little town in western Oklahoma, a sleepy little pit stop for truckers, not a lot going on. So a dead body in the middle of the street at midnight is quite an event. The chief of police wants all hands on deck, so he calls Toby Sawyer to come baby-sit the body....
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