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EBOOK Fairy Chessman

EBOOK Fairy Chessman


Autor: Lewis Padgett

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440566981
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Robert Cameron, trained in applied psychology, finds himself being driven insane by a strange, unfathomable force. As an experienced psychometrician he fights the terrifying hallucinations (a doorknob opens a blue eye and looks at him). He, too, knows his job is vital. American, dug into great, shielded cavern-cities, has been at war for decades...
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EBOOK Corsair

EBOOK Corsair


Autor: Chris Bunch

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440553417
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Swashbuckling captain Gareth Radnor has taken command of the Steadfast. But the young captain intends more than seeking his fortune. He wants vengeance against the Linyati slavers who murdered his family. Crewed by a motley band of adventurers, his carrack plunges through the salty waves, striking at the Linyati wherever it can.And then he...
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EBOOK Sons of Moriarty and More Stories of Sherlock Holmes

EBOOK Sons of Moriarty and More Stories of Sherlock Holmes


Autor: Becky Bertram

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440564840
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A follow-up collection to well-received The Perils of Sherlock Holmes! Award-winning author Loren D. Estleman has curated a collection of Sherlock Holmes stories from some of the finest authors in Sons of Moriarty and More Stories of Sherlock Holmes. This is the first time that these stories appear together in one anthology, including "e;Sons...
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Autor: Betsy Franco

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440566356
Kategoria: Pozostałe
When Jesse Lucas, a troubled, magnetic acting major, touches the sculpture Meditation in Stanford's Rodin Sculpture Garden, he burns his finger on the bronze. By the time he returns to the garden that night, an eighteen-year-old girl has emerged from the statue, naked and disoriented. It is 2008, yet her mind is swimming with vivid, fractured...
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EBOOK Lake of Tears

EBOOK Lake of Tears


Autor: Mary Logue

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440571527
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A Claire Watkins Mystery"e;Logue writes beautifully about rural Minnesota life while telling a good mystery. For fans of J.A. Jance and Margaret Maron."e; --Library Journal Deputy Sheriff Claire Watkins has had an easy summer in Fort St. Antoine, Wisconsin; the only problem is that her daughter Meg is leaving for college soon. When Claire...
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EBOOK Tomorrow and Tomorrow

EBOOK Tomorrow and Tomorrow


Autor: Lewis Padgett

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440566998
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Tomorrow and Tomorrow begins a hundred years after the Hiroshima A-blast. We meet Joseph Breden, a nuclear physicist chosen as one of the guardians at Uranium Pile Number One. As a member of the Global Peace Commission regulating atomic power, Breden knows his job is vital. But he is troubled with dream - horrifying dreams which suggest he...
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