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EBOOK Dead Weight

EBOOK Dead Weight


Autor: Frank Kane

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440540318
Kategoria: Pozostałe
He stood in the doorway to the kitchen, his arms above his head, his long, bony fingers curled like claws. His teeth were bared in a horrible fixed grin, his eyes stared unblinkingly. Two thin wires suspended each of his thumbs to a corner of the door frame ... mute evidence that his death had neither been quick or merciful....
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EBOOK Kissing Gourami

EBOOK Kissing Gourami


Autor: Kin Platt

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440540462
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Max Roper is compelled to use all of his resources to stay alive long enough to last through the mystery of The Kissing Gourami. What starts out a fairly simple and even downgrading assignment, quickly becomes an obsessive search for a brutal killer, leading Roper a skill-numbing chase from Los Angeles to the glittering gambling casinos of Las...
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EBOOK Dead Hot Shot

EBOOK Dead Hot Shot


Autor: Victoria Houston

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440531590
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Ninth in the Loon Lake MysteriesMurder never takes a holiday... or so Loon Lake learns one wintry Thanksgiving Day. Chief of Police Lew Ferris, short-handed thanks to an AWOL coroner, never even gets the turkey stuffed before the bodies start to surface. By the end of the day, credit card theft and dysfunctional families have so muddied the waters...
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EBOOK Wake Up With a Stranger

EBOOK Wake Up With a Stranger


Autor: Fletcher Flora

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440539060
Kategoria: Pozostałe
There are three men in Donna Buchanan's life...ENOS SIMON - a moody and emotional young teacherAARON BURNS - the considerate and shy husband of a cold and calculating wifeWILLIAM WALTER TYLER - a middle-aged millionaire who gets what he wants...Three lovers woo the ambitious young dress designer who's determined to sell her talent and her...
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EBOOK Don't Call Me Madame

EBOOK Don't Call Me Madame


Autor: Henry Kane

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440540387
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The game of murder: it's not a pretty game. The players are weird. They don't fit in with normal people, sensible people - people who don't get a kick out of shoving in the knife, ripping through the flesh, seeing the bright red spurt . . . Peter Chambers knows the game of murder. He's not a player - more of a referee. He sees...
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EBOOK Red Hot Ice

EBOOK Red Hot Ice


Autor: Frank Kane

Wydawnictwo: F W Media
ISBN: 9781440540332
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A case of corpses.They piled up so fast that private eye Johnny Liddell figured he was ahead if he found them while they were still warm.It started when he was hired as a baby-sitter to a wildcat. She was blonde and beautiful, and stacked better than a deck of marked cards. And she had a cool $200,000 worth of hot diamonds.There was just one hitch....
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