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EBOOK Sky Manifest

EBOOK Sky Manifest


Autor: Brian Panhuyzen

Wydawnictwo: ECW Press
ISBN: 9781770904538
Kategoria: Pozostałe
With nothing left to lose, Nathan Soderquist is moving west; his wife is dead, his infant daughter too, all because of a kiss and a snowstorm and his failure to prevent distant consequences. In his desperate isolation, he commits acts of violence, cowardice, nobility, and bravery as he passes through vacant landscapes and encounters beguiling...
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EBOOK Cecilian Vespers

EBOOK Cecilian Vespers


Autor: Anne Emery

Wydawnictwo: ECW Press
ISBN: 9781554908615
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A MysteryLawyer and bluesman Monty Collins is used to defending murderers, and occasionally investigating murders himself. But he cant round up the usual suspects this time. The blood-drenched body of Reinhold Schellenberg, a world-renowned German theologian, has been found on the altar of an old church in Halifax, Nova Scotia, during Vespers...
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EBOOK Sky Manifest

EBOOK Sky Manifest


Autor: Brian Panhuyzen

Wydawnictwo: ECW Press
ISBN: 9781770904545
Kategoria: Pozostałe
With nothing left to lose, Nathan Soderquist is moving west; his wife is dead, his infant daughter too, all because of a kiss and a snowstorm and his failure to prevent distant consequences. In his desperate isolation, he commits acts of violence, cowardice, nobility, and bravery as he passes through vacant landscapes and encounters beguiling...
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EBOOK Fly on the Wall

EBOOK Fly on the Wall


Autor: Jason Brink

Wydawnictwo: ECW Press
ISBN: 9781554908165
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Privy to the details of all your secret moments, all your misdeeds, private conversations and indulgences, the fly on the wall is neutral. It doesnt care that you cheat on your income tax, it wont stop you from jumping, and it wont call the police when you eliminate the neighbors cat. It sees you spike the punch, touch yourself, curse your spouse,...
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EBOOK Stripmalling

EBOOK Stripmalling


Autor: Jon Paul Fiorentino

Wydawnictwo: ECW Press
ISBN: 9781554908592
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Stripmalling is the story of one young mans embarrassing and hilarious journey to literary awareness. Jonny lives and works in a strip mall in suburban Winnipeg. For some people, this would be an exciting and fulfilling life. But Jonny has a dream: he wants to be a writer. He has almost everything he needs to make this dream come true: a supportive...
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EBOOK Up in Smoke

EBOOK Up in Smoke


Autor: Ross Pennie

Wydawnictwo: ECW Press
ISBN: 9781770904668
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Epidemic investigator Dr. Zol Szabo and his team are called to a panic-stricken high school in the heart of Ontarios tobacco country, where teens are dying from liver failure. The team suspects a link with contaminated, cut-price cigarettes manufactured on nearby Grand Basin Indian Reserve. When Zol confronts The Badger, the multi-millionaire...
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