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EBOOK Clockwork Angels

EBOOK Clockwork Angels


Autor: Neil Anderson Kevin J. & Peart

Wydawnictwo: ECW Press
ISBN: 9781770903371
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Imagine if someone had written the novel of The Wall, Tommy, or Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band when those classic albums were released. For fans of the multi-platinum band Rush, Clockwork Angels: The Novel is that project. Internationally bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson teams up with Rush lyricist and drummer Neil Peart to expand the...
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EBOOK Come Back

EBOOK Come Back


Autor: Sky Gilbert

Wydawnictwo: ECW Press
ISBN: 9781770901889
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The year is 2050, and, contrary to popular belief, Judy Garland did not die in 1969. At the grand old age of 138, she's re-embraced her real name, Frances Gumm; she's a feminist scholar, working on her Ph.D. at the University of Toronto; and she's writing her thesis on a little-known gay Canadian playwright and drag queen, Dash King,...
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EBOOK Miracles Of Ordinary Men

EBOOK Miracles Of Ordinary Men


Autor: Amanda Leduc

Wydawnictwo: ECW Press
ISBN: 9781770903944
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Amanda Leduc's stunning novel is the tale of two unlikely dreamers: Sam, a man who wakes up one day to find himself growing wings and Lilah, a woman who has lost her brother to the streets of Vancouver. As Sam finds himself falling away from the world as he grows feathers from his back, Lilah seeks sexual penance under the harsh hand of her...
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EBOOK Death at Christy Burke's

EBOOK Death at Christy Burke's


Autor: Anne Emery

Wydawnictwo: ECW Press
ISBN: 9781770900912
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Theres a killer on the premises of Christy Burkes pub in Dublin, according to graffiti spray-painted on the wall. Father Brennan Burke, Christys grandson, is asked to investigate the vandalism. Brennan has been tending bar a bit himself and is not all that keen on probing into the lives of his clientele. But he has little choice once a body is...
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EBOOK In Plain Sight

EBOOK In Plain Sight


Autor: Mike Knowles

Wydawnictwo: ECW Press
ISBN: 9781554909483
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Free again after doing a favor for his old boss, Wilson finds himself caught in the crosshairs after a car accident and being used by dirty cops....
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EBOOK Death at Christy Burke's

EBOOK Death at Christy Burke's


Autor: Nathan Jendrick

Wydawnictwo: ECW Press
ISBN: 9781554909216
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A MysteryNow available in trade paper Theres a killer on the premises of Christy Burkes pub in Dublin, according to graffiti spray-painted on the wall. Father Brennan Burke, Christys grandson, is asked to investigate the vandalism. Brennan has been tending bar a bit himself and is not all that keen on probing into the lives of his clientele....
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