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EBOOK Eye Movement Integration Therapy

EBOOK Eye Movement Integration Therapy


Autor: Danie Beaulieu

Wydawnictwo: Crown Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781845905088
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The comprehensive clinical guideEye Movement Integration Therapy is the first book on the subject, introducing one of the most innovative and effective new treatments available to psychotherapists today. a splendid, coherent analysis Marlene E. Hunter MD FCFP(C)...
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EBOOK Metaphoria

EBOOK Metaphoria


Autor: Rubin Battino

Wydawnictwo: Crown Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781845905422
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Metaphor and guided metaphor for psychotherapy and healingThis is the comprehensive guide for all those wishing to explore the fascinating potential of metaphor. Containing sample scripts and suggestions for basic and advanced metaphors and a history of the use of metaphor. Rubins freshness and honesty is unparalleled, his grasp of the subject...
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EBOOK Expectation

EBOOK Expectation


Autor: Rubin Battino

Wydawnictwo: Crown Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781845906030
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The very brief therapy bookIt is the authors contention that creating an environment where the client expects change is the foundation of doing effective very brief therapy. His own private practice is one where he rarely sees clients more than one or two times. Clients know in advance that this is the way that he works, and so their expectation is...
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EBOOK Provocative Coaching

EBOOK Provocative Coaching


Autor: Jaap Hollander

Wydawnictwo: Crown Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781845908706
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Making things better by makingthem worseA fresh wind is blowing through the worlds of coaching and psychotherapy! Provocative coaching: a unique new cocktail of humour, warmth and psychological provocation. Coaches and therapists everywhere are throwing off the shackles of humming and nodding! Not only can provocative coaching be highly effective -...
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EBOOK Hypnotic Use of Waking Dreams

EBOOK Hypnotic Use of Waking Dreams


Autor: Paul Schenk

Wydawnictwo: Crown Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781845905286
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Exploring near-death experiences without the flatlinesNear-death experiences can be profound and life changing. Through hypnotically facilitated waking dreams Schenk shows clients how they can benefit from the life changing effects of a near-death experience without the life-threatening cardiovascular crisis....
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EBOOK Guided Imagery

EBOOK Guided Imagery


Autor: Rubin Battino

Wydawnictwo: Crown Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781845906115
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Psychotherapy and healing through the mind-body connectionThis unique, practical and accessible healing manual explores the most powerful methods of healing, primarily focusing on guided imagery, a healing technique integrating the connection between mind and body. Well-researched and authoritative. Belleruth Naparstek, LISW, The Guided Imagery...
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