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EBOOK Tilting at Windmills

EBOOK Tilting at Windmills


Autor: Julian Branston

Wydawnictwo: Crown Publishing Group
ISBN: 9780307422507
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A Novel of Cervantes and the Errant KnightIn seventeenth-century Valladolid, Spains new capital, Miguel Cervantes is busy writing his comic masterpiece, Don Quixote, which is being issued in installments. It is quickly making him the most popular author in the country, when three potential disasters strike: Cervantes discovers that there is a real...
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EBOOK Overwinter

EBOOK Overwinter


Autor: David Wellington

Wydawnictwo: Crown Publishing Group
ISBN: 9780307460806
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A Werewolf TaleThe days grow colder. The nights grow longer. And every time the moon rises, the wolf inside her grows a little stronger.Cheyenne Clarka woman whose hatred for werewolves has turned her into the very beast she most despisesprowls the Arctic Circle on the trail of an ancient secret, hunting for the one thing that could remove the...
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EBOOK Sinners' Ball

EBOOK Sinners' Ball


Autor: Ira Berkowitz

Wydawnictwo: Crown Publishing Group
ISBN: 9780307461926
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A Jackson Steeg NovelPrivate investigator Jackson Steeg has a new clienthis mobster brother, Dave, who's in deep trouble after a suspicious fire in one of his warehouses leaves half a dozen charred corpses in its wake.Steeg might not approve of his brother's ways, but blood is blood, so he doggedly chases the truth, even when the trail...
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EBOOK Mary of Nazareth

EBOOK Mary of Nazareth


Autor: Marek Halter

Wydawnictwo: Crown Publishing Group
ISBN: 9780307409775
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A NovelThe ancient world and its politics come to life through the eyes of a young Jewish woman, Mary of NazarethMiriamalso known as Marywas born into a Palestine oppressed by Herod the Great; she is accustomed to living with uncertainty and unrest. But when her beloved father is wrongly imprisoned by the Romans, she takes action. She calls upon a...
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EBOOK Lucrezia Borgia

EBOOK Lucrezia Borgia


Autor: John Faunce

Wydawnictwo: Crown Publishing Group
ISBN: 9780307557636
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A NovelA fascinating story, rich in detail. In every case, Faunce portrays [Lucrezia] believably, with wit and sensitivity.--Library JournalHundreds of years after her death, Lucrezia Borgia remains one of the most enigmatic and notorious women of history, accused of incest, of poisoning her rivals, and even of murdering her own father. Born into...
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EBOOK Singletini

EBOOK Singletini


Autor: Amanda Trimble

Wydawnictwo: Crown Publishing Group
ISBN: 9780307421623
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A NovelSometimes Flying Solo Means You Just Have to Wing Itsingletini: A curious type of female typically found living in urban settings; possessing an unusual, some would say deathly, fear of growing up and getting married. Meet Victoria Hart. Shes sassy, sparkling, and taking the Chicago dating scene by storm as a professional wingwomana...
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