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EBOOK Simple Gone South

EBOOK Simple Gone South


Autor: Alicia Hunter Pace

Wydawnictwo: Crimson Romance
ISBN: 9781440562662
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The last time Brantley Kincaid had an argument with someone, he was eighteen years old - and he regrets it like he will never regret anything again. If only he had not balked at going to pick up his grandfather that day, his mother would not have driven into the path of a truck and there would be two fewer graves in Merritt Cemetery. Though a...
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EBOOK Only Make-Believe

EBOOK Only Make-Believe


Autor: Clarissa Ross

Wydawnictwo: Crimson Romance
ISBN: 9781440575150
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Nita Nolan came to Hollywood in 1921, star-struck, beautiful, and broke, like thousands of other young girls who dreamed of becoming the next Mary Pickford, Mabel Normand, or Theda Bara. Nita made her first screen appearance as a pie-throwing cutie in a comedy two-reeler, but soon, with the help of comedian Billy Bowers, she became a member of the...
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EBOOK Wild Hyacinthe

EBOOK Wild Hyacinthe


Autor: Nola Sarina

Wydawnictwo: Crimson Romance
ISBN: 9781440572463
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A deadly lover. His perfect mate. Asher is everything Aria's never dared to imagine: sexy, confident, and rich. But if she convinces him to take her to his bed . . . her first time may be her last.Incubus Asher Chain seduces every woman he meets whether he wants to or not, and refuses to let anyone grow close to him. Until the alluring,...
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EBOOK Jennifer by Moonlight

EBOOK Jennifer by Moonlight


Autor: Clarissa Ross

Wydawnictwo: Crimson Romance
ISBN: 9781440574245
Kategoria: Pozostałe
As Crimson Romance celebrates its first anniversary, we honor those pioneers who helped shape the direction of romance novels for all of us. Suspense, mystery, paranormal activity and love - always love - have been the cornerstone of the genre since the early 1970s. Now we have updated the covers to these classics - but not the words - and reissued...
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EBOOK Scandalous Affair

EBOOK Scandalous Affair


Autor: Clarissa Ross

Wydawnictwo: Crimson Romance
ISBN: 9781440574283
Kategoria: Pozostałe
As Crimson Romance celebrates its first anniversary, we honor those pioneers who helped shape the direction of romance novels for all of us. Suspense, mystery, paranormal activity and love - always love - have been the cornerstone of the genre since the early 1970s. Now we have updated the covers to these classics - but not the words - and reissued...
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EBOOK Blinded by Grace

EBOOK Blinded by Grace


Autor: Becky Lower

Wydawnictwo: Crimson Romance
ISBN: 9781440578908
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Book Five of the Cotillion Ball seriesIn 1858 New York City, Halwyn Fitzpatrick thinks he's off the hook for attendance at the annual Cotillion Ball. He has no sister to shepherd down the grand staircase this year and no real desire to go through the rituals of courtship and betrothal himself. Besides, he'll know the right girl when he...
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