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EBOOK Fusion

EBOOK Fusion


Autor: Candace Sams

Wydawnictwo: Crimson Romance
ISBN: 9781440569043
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In the distant future, the entire galaxy is being decimated by the savage Condorian race. Two surviving allied fighters on an outlying world are doing everything they can to keep the enemy at bay.Colonel Soldar Nar and Sergeant Lyra Markham mean to get aboard an enemy vessel by pretending to be a travelling sex show. They'll perform for the...
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EBOOK Trial Run

EBOOK Trial Run


Autor: Anne Metikosh

Wydawnictwo: Crimson Romance
ISBN: 9781440556524
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In affluent Kingsport, New Hampshire, a particularly gruesome murder has been committed. There is no doubt in anyone's mind as to who did it: Randy Outray has all but confessed. Still, he wants his day in court. His lawyer hires trial consultant Kerrin Adams to help design a credible defense and Kerrin assembles a mock jury in order to test...
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EBOOK Through the Lens

EBOOK Through the Lens


Autor: K. M. Jackson

Wydawnictwo: Crimson Romance
ISBN: 9781440552151
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Mika Walters is a normal-sized woman working in the not-so-normal world of New York fashion. As longtime assistant to uber-sexy photographer Alejandro Vega, she's tired of being the girl in the background.Just once she wants Alejandro to look at her with the same smoldering look he gives to his willowy models and now she has her...
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EBOOK Her New Worst Enemy

EBOOK Her New Worst Enemy


Autor: Christy McKellen

Wydawnictwo: Crimson Romance
ISBN: 9781440562778
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Six months ago Ellie Holdsworthy's life was all planned out - kids, wedding, happy ever after - until her boyfriend dumped her for another woman. When her best friend Penny, an heiress to a small fortune, looks set to run off with a gold-digger, Ellie has to save her from certain doom - and fast. Unfortunately, the only person who can help is...
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EBOOK Banking on Temperance

EBOOK Banking on Temperance


Autor: Becky Lower

Wydawnictwo: Crimson Romance
ISBN: 9781440564109
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Book Three of the Cotillion Ball SeriesBasil Fitzpatrick was born into a life of privilege. In 1856, at 23 years of age, he is the owner of the St. Louis branch of the family banking business. He has his pick of the ladies and life by the horns.Temperance Jones and her family are far from privileged. Her father is a circuit-riding preacher from...
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EBOOK Very Thought of You

EBOOK Very Thought of You


Autor: Carolann Camillo

Wydawnictwo: Crimson Romance
ISBN: 9781440560293
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Sometimes, it just doesn't pay to offer an honest opinion. So when Molly Hewitt does, she lands in all kinds of trouble with up-and-coming San Francisco builder, Nick Mancini. He's offered the tenants in his small, newly acquired apartment house - the one sitting smack in the middle of his latest condo project - twenty-five grand to...
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