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EBOOK Rode Hard, Put Away Dead

EBOOK Rode Hard, Put Away Dead


Autor: Sinclair Browning

Wydawnictwo: Crimeline
ISBN: 9780307490261
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Dying to earn her spurs...Even in sweltering June, there's plenty of work for Trade Ellis on her Arizona ranch, but right now her part-time P.I. practice is as dry as the desert -- until bull rider J. B. Calendar marries a candy heiress who's crazy to turn cowgirl. Abigail Van Thiessen, nipped and tucked into great shape, has thirty-two...
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EBOOK Bohemian Murders

EBOOK Bohemian Murders


Autor: Dianne Day

Wydawnictwo: Crimeline
ISBN: 9780307418265
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A Fremont Jones MysteryForced to leave San Francisco after the devastating earthquake of 1906, Fremont (ne Caroline) Jones follows her heart to the bohemian beach community of Carmel-by-the-Sea.She is eager to be reunited with her elusive suitor, retired spymaster Michael Archer, but finds him mysteriously metamorphosed into Misha--otherwise...
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EBOOK Last Suppers

EBOOK Last Suppers


Autor: Diane Mott Davidson

Wydawnictwo: Crimeline
ISBN: 9780307428455
Kategoria: Pozostałe
It should be the happiest day of Goldy thecaterer's life. After years of putting the disaster ofher first marriage behind her, she has finallyfound the courage to love again. Soon she'll bewalking down the aisle of St. Luke's Episcopal Church towed the man of her dreams, Tom Schulz, a homicidedetective who shares Goldy's...
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EBOOK Free Fall

EBOOK Free Fall


Autor: Robert Crais

Wydawnictwo: Crimeline
ISBN: 9780307789914
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Private detective Elvis Cole takes Jennifer Sheridan's case, which involves her decorated Los Angeles-cop boyfriend in some mysterious trouble, and Cole and his partner Pike are soon plunged in police corruption, gangs, and the depiction of themselves as armed killers.From the Paperback edition....
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EBOOK Do or Die

EBOOK Do or Die


Autor: Grace F. Edwards

Wydawnictwo: Crimeline
ISBN: 9780307785220
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A songbird is silenced ... by murder.With her soulful voice and delicate beauty, Starr Hendrix seemed destined to live up to her name and hit it big as a jazz singer. But her career ended before it began, and Mali's father offered Starr a second chance by giving her top billing as singer for his popular jazz band's latest show. Mali...
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EBOOK Black Ribbon

EBOOK Black Ribbon


Autor: Susan Conant

Wydawnictwo: Crimeline
ISBN: 9780307785527
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Holly Winter and her Alaskan Malamute, Rowdy, are spending a week at Waggin' Tail Camp, but Holly receives a sympathy card for the loss of her pet--is it a sick joke or is Kimi, her other Malamute, in jeopardy?...
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