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Geometric Optics

Geometric Optics


Autor: Antonio Romano

Wydawnictwo: Birkhauser
ISBN: 9780817648718
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
This book-unique in the literature-provides readers with the mathematical background needed to design many of the optical combinations that are used in astronomical telescopes and cameras. The results presented in the work were obtained by using a different approach to third-order aberration theory as well as the extensive use of the software...
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Topotek 1

Topotek 1


Autor: Thilo Folkerts

Wydawnictwo: Birkhauser
ISBN: 9783034605915
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Landscape architecture meets art in Munich. The new and extremely playful park in Munich covers a three-hundred meter section of railroad tracks and creates urgently needed open space for the neighborhood of Theresienhohe. This monograph examines the new park design in a number of essays and documents the design and production process."...
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Abstract Algebra

Abstract Algebra

This text seeks to generate interest in abstract algebra by introducing each new structure and topic via a real-world application. The down-to-earth presentation is accessible to a readership with no prior knowledge of abstract algebra. Students are led to algebraic concepts and questions in a natural way through their everyday experiences....
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