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EBOOK Where Courage Calls (Return to the Canadian West Book #1)

EBOOK Where Courage Calls (Return to the Canadian West Book #1)


Autor: Janette Oke

Wydawnictwo: Baker Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781441264459
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A When Calls the Heart NovelHer courage and her heart will be tested in ways she never expected...Beth Thatcher has spent her entire life in the safe, comfortable world of her family, her friends, and the social outings her father's wealth provides. But Beth is about to leave it all behind to accept a teaching position in the rugged foothills...
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EBOOK All Things Hidden

EBOOK All Things Hidden


Autor: Tracie Peterson

Wydawnictwo: Baker Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781441263483
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse Team Up to Deliver a Stunning Depression-Era Drama Gwyn Hillerman loves being a nurse at her father's clinic on the beautiful Alaskan frontier. But family life has been rough ever since her mother left them, disdaining the uncivilized country and taking Gwyn's younger sister with her.In Chicago,...
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EBOOK Place in His Heart (The Southold Chronicles Book #1)

EBOOK Place in His Heart (The Southold Chronicles Book #1)


Autor: Rebecca DeMarino

Wydawnictwo: Baker Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781441245038
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A NovelAnglican Mary Langton longs to marry for love. Puritan Barnabas Horton still grieves the loss of his beloved wife, but he knows his two young sons need a mother. And yet these two very different people with very different expectations will take a leap of faith, wed, and then embark on a life-changing journey across the ocean to the Colonies....
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EBOOK Stuck Together (Trouble in Texas Book #3)

EBOOK Stuck Together (Trouble in Texas Book #3)


Autor: Mary Connealy

Wydawnictwo: Baker Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781441264107
Kategoria: Pozostałe
When a lawman who values order gets stuck with a feisty crusader who likes to stir things up, there's going to be trouble in Texas! Now that she's settled in town, Tina Cahill is determined to get Broken Wheel's saloon closed for good. To that end, she pickets outside the place every afternoon. Unfortunately, so far no one has paid...
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EBOOK Beauty So Rare (A Belmont Mansion Novel Book #2)

EBOOK Beauty So Rare (A Belmont Mansion Novel Book #2)


Autor: Tamera Alexander

Wydawnictwo: Baker Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781441263490
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Pink is not what Eleanor Braddock ordered, but maybe it would soften the tempered steel of a woman who came through a war--and still had one to fight. Plain, practical Eleanor Braddock knows she will never marry, but with a dying soldier's last whisper, she believes her life can still have meaning and determines to find his widow....
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EBOOK Return to Me (The Restoration Chronicles Book #1)

EBOOK Return to Me (The Restoration Chronicles Book #1)


Autor: Lynn Austin

Wydawnictwo: Baker Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781441262707
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Bestselling Author Lynn Austin Launches New Biblical SagaAfter years of watching his children and grandchildren wander from their faith, Iddo's prayers are answered: King Cyrus is allowing God's chosen people to return to Jerusalem. Jubilant, he joyfully prepares for their departure, only to learn that his family, grown comfortable in the...
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