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Lost England 1870-1930

Lost England 1870-1930


Autor: Davies Philip

Wydawnictwo: Atlantic Books
ISBN: 9781909242791
Kategoria: Pozostałe
From 1840-1914 England was transformed on a scale unprecended in its history. The country became the workshop of the world - an industrial powerhouse built on iron, coal and steam. Once-sleepy villages and ancient market towns were engulfed by a tide of development as the great manufacturing cities of the age - Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool and...
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Call me by your name

Call me by your name


Autor: Aciman Andre

Wydawnictwo: Atlantic Books
ISBN: 9781786495259
Kategoria: Pozostałe
During a restless summer on the Italian Riviera, a powerful romance blooms between seventeen-year-old Elio and his father's house guest, Oliver. Unrelenting currents of obsession and fear, fascination and desire threaten to overwhelm the lovers who at first feign indifference to the charge between them. What grows from the depths of their souls is...
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Where Men Win Glory

Where Men Win Glory


Autor: Krakauer Jon

Wydawnictwo: Atlantic Books
ISBN: 9781848873025
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Where Men Win Glory is a profoundly eloquent and affecting account of heroism - the story of Pat Tillman, a millionaire sports star who, after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, gave up his carrer to fight for his country with the US Army in Afghanistan, only to be killed - apparently in the line of fire - on a desolate hillside near the Pakistan...
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Autor: Stephenson Neal

Wydawnictwo: Atlantic Books
ISBN: 9781843549178
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The latest magnificent creation from the award-winning author of Cryptonomicon and the Baroque Cycle trilogy. Erasmas, 'Raz', is a young avout living in the Concent, a sanctuary for mathematicians, scientists, and philosophers. Three times during history's darkest epochs, violence has invaded and devastated the cloistered community. Yet the avout...
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EBOOK Reaching Down the Rabbit Hole

EBOOK Reaching Down the Rabbit Hole


Autor: Allan Ropper

Wydawnictwo: Atlantic Books
ISBN: 9781782395492
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Extraordinary Journeys into the Human BrainWhat is it like to try to heal the body when the mind is under attack? In this gripping and illuminating book, Dr Allan Ropper reveals the extraordinary stories behind some of the life-altering afflictions that he and his staff are confronted with at the Neurology Unit of Harvard's Brigham and...
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