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EBOOK Dyslexia and Us

EBOOK Dyslexia and Us


Autor: Susie Agnew

Wydawnictwo: Andrews UK
ISBN: 9781783332496
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A collection of personal storiesWhat do a member of the royal family, Olympic rowing champion, comedienne, retired construction worker, a job seeker, a parent, a prisoner and a vet have in common? They are among the many people who have shared their personal stories about what dyslexia means to them. Not every contributor is dyslexic but they have...
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EBOOK Pioneering Theories in Nursing

EBOOK Pioneering Theories in Nursing


Autor: Austyn Snowden

Wydawnictwo: Andrews UK
ISBN: 9781856424806
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Pioneering Theories in Nursing traces the origins of nursing theories through their founders. Unlike other nursing theory texts, this book provides the personal story on some of the greatest nursing leaders, clinicians and theorists to date so the reader can understand the context within which the nursing pioneer developed their theory. It will...
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EBOOK Complete Guide to Precision Reflexology 2nd Edition

EBOOK Complete Guide to Precision Reflexology 2nd Edition


Autor: Jan Williamson

Wydawnictwo: Andrews UK
ISBN: 9781856424691
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This edition provides a complete guide to precision reflexology, covering the basic techniques and knowledge and now includes a new chapter on the latest advanced techniques which have developed in recent years by the author. Redesigned into a user friendly format. Photos have been updated throughout. This text is appropriate for those...
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EBOOK Complete Guide to Precision Reflexology 2nd Edition

EBOOK Complete Guide to Precision Reflexology 2nd Edition


Autor: Jan Williamson

Wydawnictwo: Andrews UK
ISBN: 9781856424684
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This edition provides a complete guide to precision reflexology, covering the basic techniques and knowledge and now includes a new chapter on the latest advanced techniques which have developed in recent years by the author. Redesigned into a user friendly format. Photos have been updated throughout. This text is appropriate for those...
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EBOOK Why Aren't Normal People Normal?

EBOOK Why Aren't Normal People Normal?


Autor: Olley Edwards

Wydawnictwo: Andrews UK
ISBN: 9781909949911
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A Girl's Survival Guide to Growing up with Asperger SyndromeAsperger syndrome is a form of autism affecting an individual's ability to understand, communicate and interact with other people. As it is often not obvious from their outward appearance that someone has Asperger syndrome, people do not always realise that they are different,...
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EBOOK Critiquing Nursing Research 2nd Edition

EBOOK Critiquing Nursing Research 2nd Edition


Autor: John Cutcliffe

Wydawnictwo: Andrews UK
ISBN: 9781856424400
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This second edition of Quay Books' bestselling title retains all of the successful features of the first, plus additional material including a chapter on European psychiatric research. Foreword by Kevin Gournay....
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