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Autor: Tracy Brian

Wydawnictwo: Amacom
ISBN: 9780814433188
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
Negotiation is an essential element of almost all of our interactions - personally and professionally. It's part of how we establish relationships, work together, and arrive at solutions for our clients, our organizations, and ourselves. Simply put, those who don't negotiate well risk falling victim to those who do. Throughout his career, success...
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Autor: Tracy Brian

Wydawnictwo: Amacom
ISBN: 9780814433119
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
As a manager, one of your most important responsibilities is to motivate your employees to do their absolute best. Managers who create positive, rewarding, high-energy environments reduce absenteeism and turnover while dramatically increasing productivity and quality. In "Motivation", success expert Brian Tracy draws on his decades of experience...
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Marketing to Millennials

Marketing to Millennials

The numbers cannot be ignored: eighty million Millennials wielding $200 billion in buying power are entering their peak earning and spending years. Companies that think winning their business is a simple matter of creating a Twitter account and applying outdated notions of "cool" to their advertising are due for a rude awakening. "Marketing to...
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The Manager's Guide to HR

The Manager's Guide to HR


Autor: Max Muller

Wydawnictwo: Amacom
ISBN: 9780814433027
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Biznes, prawo, finanse
Managing people is a tricky business - and managers and small business owners need a clear understanding of the essentials of human resources to survive. The original edition of "The Manager's Guide to HR" provided readers with a plain-English introduction to the regulations, rights, and responsibilities related to hiring and firing, benefits,...
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Real Influence

Real Influence

People won't put up with being "sold" anymore. If they sense they are being pushed, their guard goes up - and even if they do comply, lingering resentment undermines the relationship ...maybe forever. Yet, most books on influence still portray it as something you "do to" someone else to get your way. That out-of-date approach invites resistance or...
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Geeks of War

Geeks of War


Autor: Edwards; John Edwards

Wydawnictwo: Amacom
ISBN: 9780814408520
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
/ Historia
Wars are fought on the battlefield, but the technologies that enable 21st century warfare are developed in research laboratories....
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