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Living Souls

Living Souls


Autor: Dmitry Bykov

Wydawnictwo: Alma Books Ltd
ISBN: 9781846881268
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
In a world a few decades from now, Russia has lost its influence and descended into a farcical civil war. With an extreme right-wing cult in power, racial tensions have divided the country into the Varangians - those who consider themselves to be the original Aryan settlers of Russia - and the Khazars, the liberals and Jews driven out of Moscow by...
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Two Cows and a Vanful of Smoke

Two Cows and a Vanful of Smoke

When young Elliot gets a labourer's job at Mr Evans's after being sacked from a pig farm for liberating six of its sows, he thinks he'll have even more opportunities to lean on gates or stare at fields. But his best mate Spike keeps getting him into trouble, first by showing him what is being grown in a tucked-away polytunnel, and then turning up...
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The Storyteller of Marrakesh

The Storyteller of Marrakesh

Each year the storyteller Hassan gathers listeners to the city square to share their recollections of a young foreign couple who mysteriously disappeared some time ago. As various witnesses describe their encounters with the couple - their tales overlapping, confirming and contradicting each other - Hassan hopes to light upon details that will...
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Angela Merkel

Angela Merkel


Autor: Stefan Kornelius

Wydawnictwo: Alma Books Ltd
ISBN: 9781846883095
Kategoria: Literatura faktu, reportaż
/ Biografie
With the Eurozone engulfed in an unprecedented crisis, one political figure looms largest of all, Angela Merkel, the leader of its most powerful economy. While foreign affairs have become the central issues of her chancellorship in this crucial election year, the entire world is anxiously looking to Germany to play its part in Europe's rescue. ...
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The Pink Hotel

The Pink Hotel

A seventeen-year-old London girl flies to Los Angeles for the funeral of her mother Lily, from whom she was separated in her childhood. After stealing a suitcase of letters, clothes and photographs from her mum's bedroom at the top of a hotel on Venice Beach, the girl spends her summer travelling around Los Angeles in a bid to track down the men...
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The Scent of Lemon Leaves

The Scent of Lemon Leaves


Autor: Clara Sanchez

Wydawnictwo: Alma Books Ltd
ISBN: 9781846882432
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Having left her job and boyfriend, thirty-year-old Sandra decides to stay in a village on the Costa Brava in order to take stock of her life and find a new direction. She befriends Karin and Fredrik, an elderly Norwegian couple, who provide her with stimulating company and take the place of the grandparents she never had. However, when she meets...
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