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Virgin Soil

Virgin Soil


Autor: Turgenev Ivan

Wydawnictwo: Alma Books
ISBN: 9781847493750
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Turgenev's final novel, Virgin Soil traces the destinies of several middle-class revolutionaries who seek to “go to the people" by working on the land and instilling democratic ideas in the countryside's locals. They include the daydreaming impoverished young tutor Nezhdanov - employed by the liberal councillor Sipyagin and his vain and beautiful...
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The Diary of a Superfluous Man and Other Novellas

The Diary of a Superfluous Man and Other Novellas


Autor: Turgenev Ivan

Wydawnictwo: Alma Books
ISBN: 9781847497628
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Driven to his deathbed by an incurable disease, the thirty-year-old impoverished gentleman Chulkaturin decides to write a diary looking back on his short life. After describing his youthful disillusionment and his family's fall from grace and loss of status, the narrative focuses on his love for Liza, the daughter of a senior civil servant, his...
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Autor: Turgenev Ivan

Wydawnictwo: Alma Books
ISBN: 9781847492265
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Dmitry Rudin, a high-minded gentleman of reduced means, arrives at the estate of Darya Mikhailovna, where his intelligence, eloquence and conviction immediately make a powerful impression. As he stays on longer than intended, Rudin exerts a strong influence on the younger generation, and Darya's daughter, Natalya, falls in love with him. But...
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A Nest of the Gentry

A Nest of the Gentry


Autor: Turgenev Ivan

Wydawnictwo: Alma Books
ISBN: 9781847495907
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Coming back to the “nest" of his family home in Russia after years of fruitless endeavours away from his roots, Lavretsky decides to turn his back on the vacuous salons of Paris and his frivolous and unfaithful wife Varvara Pavlovna. On his return he meets Liza, the daughter of one of his cousins, whom he had known when they were children and who...
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Three Novellas

Three Novellas


Autor: Tolstoy Leo

Wydawnictwo: Alma Books
ISBN: 9781847494795
Kategoria: Pozostałe
One of Tolstoy's last published works of fiction, The Devil revolves around the young landowner Yevgeny's irrepressible lust for Stepanida, a sensual peasant woman. Even when he gets married to a respectable upper-class lady, he finds himself unable to put an end to his encounters with Stepanida, and becomes increasingly consumed by guilt and...
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Forged Coupon

Forged Coupon


Autor: Tolstoy Leo

Wydawnictwo: Alma Books
ISBN: 9781847496676
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In order to repay a small debt, the young student Mitya is persuaded by a friend to falsify a bank bond and cash it in. Little does he suspect that this small misdemeanour will have a profound impact on the lives of many other people around him - indirectly even leading to the gravest of crimes. This in turn sets off a long journey towards...
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