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The Demon in the Machine

The Demon in the Machine


Autor: Davies Paul

Wydawnictwo: Allen Lane
ISBN: 9780241309599
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A gripping new drama in science ... if you want to understand how the concept of life is changing, read this' Professor Andrew Briggs, University of OxfordWhen Darwin set out to explain the origin of species, he made no attempt to answer the deeper question: what is life?For generations, scientists have struggled to make sense of this fundamental...
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Last Days in Old Europe

Last Days in Old Europe


Autor: Bassett Richard

Wydawnictwo: Allen Lane
ISBN: 9780241014868
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Part memoir, part reflection, this book brings to life central Europe during the last ten years of the Cold War. It begins in Trieste in 1979 where the resonances of the Habsburg Empire are still strong. The second part moves to the darker, claustrophobic world of Vienna in 1985, where the atmosphere of the Cold War seemed to infiltrate every brick...
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Winner takes all

Winner takes all


Autor: Giridharadas Anand

Wydawnictwo: Allen Lane
ISBN: 9780241400722
Kategoria: Pozostałe
'Entertaining and gripping . . . For those at the helm, the philanthropic plutocrats and aspiring "change agents" who believe they are helping but are actually making things worse, it's time for a reckoning with their role in this spiraling dilemma' Joseph Stiglitz, New York Times Book ReviewWhat explains the spreading backlash against the global...
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Skin in the Game

Skin in the Game


Autor: Taleb Nassim Nicholas

Wydawnictwo: Allen Lane
ISBN: 9780241300657
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Why should we never listen to people who explain rather than do? Why do companies go bust? How is it that we have more slaves today than in Roman times? Why does imposing democracy on other countries never work?The answer: too many people running the world don't have skin in the game. In his inimitable, pugnacious style, Nassim Nicholas Taleb shows...
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Chopin's Piano

Chopin's Piano


Autor: Kildea Paul

Wydawnictwo: Allen Lane
ISBN: 9780241187944
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Chopin's Piano begins in November 1838, when George Sand, her children and Frederick Chopin took a boat to Majorca for the winter. It describes their circumstances there, and how Chopin completed one of the most revolutionary works in the history of music - his Preludes - on 'a small Mallorquin piano' which he picked up when they arrived and carted...
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Trans-Europe Express

Trans-Europe Express


Autor: Hatherley Owen

Wydawnictwo: Allen Lane
ISBN: 9780141988320
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In Trans-Europe Express, Owen Hatherley sets out to explore the European city across the entire continent, to see what exactly makes it so different to the Anglo-Saxon norm - the unplanned, car-centred, developer-oriented spaces common to the US, Ireland, UK and Australia. Attempting to define the European city, Hatherley finds a continent divided...
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