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EBOOK Making of a Confederate:Walter Lenoir's Civil War

EBOOK Making of a Confederate:Walter Lenoir's Civil War


Autor: William L. Barney

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780198042891
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Walter Lenoir's Civil WarDespite the advances of the civil rights movement, many white southerners cling to the faded glory of a romanticized Confederate past. In The Making of a Confederate, William L. Barney focuses on the life of one man, Walter Lenoir of North Carolina, to examine the origins of southern white identity alongside its myriad...
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EBOOK Oxford Encyclopedia of the Civil War

EBOOK Oxford Encyclopedia of the Civil War


Autor: William L. Barney

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199890248
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A gold mine for the historian as well as the Civil War buff, The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Civil War offers a concise, comprehensive overview of the major personalities and pivotal events of the war that redefined the American nation.    Drawing upon recent research that has moved beyond battles and military campaigns to...
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EBOOK Oxford Encyclopedia of the Civil War

EBOOK Oxford Encyclopedia of the Civil War


Autor: William L. Barney

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199878147
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A gold mine for the historian as well as the Civil War buff, The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Civil War offers a concise, comprehensive overview of the major personalities and pivotal events of the war that redefined the American nation.    Drawing upon recent research that has moved beyond battles and military campaigns to...
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