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EBOOK Bruno Trilogy

EBOOK Bruno Trilogy


Autor: Victor Bruno

Wydawnictwo: WH Publishing
ISBN: 9781780511511
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The three novelettes - 'Strip Her Naked', 'Maid to Pleasure' and 'Sold Into Slavery' - are here combined into one classic tale of a lady's descent into Hell from the heights of sophisticated pleasure and leisure! Julia Pryce-Seymour becomes gradually yet totally under the control of her wicked friend Vanda, who...
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EBOOK Bianca's Island

EBOOK Bianca's Island


Autor: Victor Bruno

Wydawnictwo: WH Publishing
ISBN: 9781780511115
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Island's many pleasures are seen through the eyes of three people; a guest, a sadistic woman who revels in seeing cruelty to others of her own sex, a young slave-girl, forced into degrading acts which revolt her but which she MUST carry out, and finally her trainer, Tariq, who uses and abuses the girls even before the guests get their...
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