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EBOOK Reflection

EBOOK Reflection


Autor: Tony Ghaye

Wydawnictwo: Andrews UK
ISBN: 9781856424516
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Principles and Practices for Healthcare Professionals 2nd EditionIn this newly updated edition of the bestselling Reflections: Principles and Practice for Healthcare Professionals, the authors reinforce the need to invest in the development of reflective practice, not only for practitioners, but also for healthcare students. The book discusses the...
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EBOOK Reflection

EBOOK Reflection


Autor: Tony Ghaye

Wydawnictwo: Andrews UK
ISBN: 9781856424509
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Principles and Practices for Healthcare Professionals 2nd EditionIn this newly updated edition of the bestselling Reflections: Principles and Practice for Healthcare Professionals, the authors reinforce the need to invest in the development of reflective practice, not only for practitioners, but also for healthcare students. The book discusses the...
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EBOOK Developing the Reflective Healthcare Team

EBOOK Developing the Reflective Healthcare Team


Autor: Tony Ghaye

Wydawnictwo: Wiley
ISBN: 9781405172158
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Team working and learning through reflection are both fundamental to quality healthcare. This book is the first to explore the use of the practices of reflection to develop health care teams that can deliver sustainable, high-quality personalised care.Developing the Reflective Healthcare Team is structured in three parts which are about new views...
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EBOOK Building the Reflective Healthcare Organisation

EBOOK Building the Reflective Healthcare Organisation


Autor: Tony Ghaye

Wydawnictwo: Wiley
ISBN: 9780470691137
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Healthcare organisations have to manage change in order to evolve and improve care. This book explores the use of reflective practice as a practical tool to examine growth and change and to develop an effective health care organisation....
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