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EBOOK Gibraltar Passage (Rendezvous With Destiny Book #2)

EBOOK Gibraltar Passage (Rendezvous With Destiny Book #2)


Autor: T. Davis Bunn

Wydawnictwo: Baker Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781441270917
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A shout of recognition from a young Jewis refugee changes everything. Can the girl's story be trusted? Could Pierre's brother still be alive, and why in Morocco of all places? After all she has done to hurt him, is Jasmyn the only one who can help?Post-war adventure that sweeps to the shores of North Africa and back into southern Europe....
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EBOOK Riders of the Pale Horse

EBOOK Riders of the Pale Horse


Autor: T. Davis Bunn

Wydawnictwo: Baker Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781441270832
Kategoria: Pozostałe
"For more than one hundred years the West has failed to understand Islam" (U.S. State Department Official, 1992). This quote from the original edition of Riders of the Pale Horse introduces the story of two young Americans, a foreign-service officer and a mission volunteer who cross paths near the Afghanistan border on very different...
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EBOOK Sahara Crosswind (Rendezvous With Destiny Book #3)

EBOOK Sahara Crosswind (Rendezvous With Destiny Book #3)


Autor: T. Davis Bunn

Wydawnictwo: Baker Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781441270924
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Stalked by Bands of Assassins, They Risk the Ravages of the Desert to Save a Nation From the Hand of Tyranny In Morocco, Jake Burnes and Pierre Servais have rescued Pierre's twin brother from his kidnappers, but their reunion is overshadowed by mortal danger. Patrique Servais, a leader in the French Resistance, weak from months of imprisonment...
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EBOOK Quilt, The

EBOOK Quilt, The


Autor: T. Davis Bunn

Wydawnictwo: Baker Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781441270863
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A Truly Beautiful Story That Transcends Time and PlaceThe Quilt is the story of Mary, an elderly grandmother whose gnarled, arthritic hands have a beauty all their own. They represent so many skills, so many memories, so many stories to be told. Anyone who had met Mary described her as beautiful--she had always been there to listen and comfort and...
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EBOOK Rhineland Inheritance (Rendezvous With Destiny Book #1)

EBOOK Rhineland Inheritance (Rendezvous With Destiny Book #1)


Autor: T. Davis Bunn

Wydawnictwo: Baker Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781441270900
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Weaving themes of historical and emotional conflict in World War II Europe, T. Davis Bunn and BHP team up to launch an explosive series, Rendezvous with Destiny. From his own years of living in Europe, Bunn captures the power and reality of this important slive of history. Readers will learn to know the men, the women,a nd children...
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EBOOK Maestro, The

EBOOK Maestro, The


Autor: T. Davis Bunn

Wydawnictwo: Baker Publishing Group
ISBN: 9781441270955
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Maestro is a beautifully paced story that begins with the childhood of a very talented American-born classical guitarist, Gianni, who through tragic reversals comes to be raised by his grandmother first in Italy and then in Germany. Dealing with his pain and his "magnificent gift," Gianni passes through a decade of darkness where...
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