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EBOOK Valentine Vote

EBOOK Valentine Vote


Autor: Susan Blexrud

Wydawnictwo: Crimson Romance
ISBN: 9781440580123
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Courtney Larson is a lobbyist for the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, and Eric Morrison is a U.S. Senator from a North Carolina tobacco family. They're entrenched on opposing sides of a new tobacco tax, with the vote slated for Valentine's Day. As if that weren't enough to have them running in opposite directions, Courtney is a...
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EBOOK Gettysburg Vampire

EBOOK Gettysburg Vampire


Autor: Susan Blexrud

Wydawnictwo: Crimson Romance
ISBN: 9781440560279
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Boasting ten ghost tours, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, swarms with tourists in the summer. But in winter, the small town hunkers down for a different attraction - the annual holiday production at Gettysburg College. This year, Abby Potter chooses for her subject the well-known local legend of a Civil War steam locomotive inhabited by ghosts. She...
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EBOOK His Fantasy Maid

EBOOK His Fantasy Maid


Autor: Susan Blexrud

Wydawnictwo: Crimson Romance
ISBN: 9781440563522
Kategoria: Pozostałe
On the eve of Jake Sinclair's bachelor party, his best man surprises him with a fantasy maid named Amy. Clad in a bikini, she cleans his house and jump starts his heart. She's beautiful, smart, and compassionate. Why is a woman like this working as a fantasy maid? A few days later, his thoughts still distracted by the enigmatic Amy, Jake...
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