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Pain Management in Small Animal Medicine

Pain Management in Small Animal Medicine


Autor: Steven M. Fox

Wydawnictwo: Manson Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 9781840761832
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
Pain Management in Small Animal Medicine describes and clearly illustrates the difficulties and choices facing veterinarians in identifying and treating pain, in addition to providing an account of the neurobiological mechanisms responsible for the pain. Expanded from the author's previous work, Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine, this volume...
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EBOOK Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine

EBOOK Chronic Pain in Small Animal Medicine


Autor: Steven M. Fox

Wydawnictwo: Manson Publishing
ISBN: 9781840765670
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Chronic pain is unlike acute pain, it lasts beyond the time necessary for healing and resists normal treatment. No one patient feels pain in the same way and yet in veterinary medicine the patient's gain is generally assessed based on a single standard.  There is an increasing focus in veterinary medicine on measuring and resolving pain and...
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