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EBOOK Americans Against the City: Anti-Urbanism in the Twentieth Century

EBOOK Americans Against the City: Anti-Urbanism in the Twentieth Century


Autor: Steven Conn

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199973682
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Anti-Urbanism in the Twentieth CenturyIt is a paradox of American life that we are a highly urbanized nation filled with people deeply ambivalent about urban life. An aversion to urban density and all that it contributes to urban life, and a perception that the city was the place where "e;big government"e; first took root in America...
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EBOOK Americans Against the City: Anti-Urbanism in the Twentieth Century

EBOOK Americans Against the City: Anti-Urbanism in the Twentieth Century


Autor: Steven Conn

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199973675
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Anti-Urbanism in the Twentieth CenturyIt is a paradox of American life that we are a highly urbanized nation filled with people deeply ambivalent about urban life. An aversion to urban density and all that it contributes to urban life, and a perception that the city was the place where "e;big government"e; first took root in America...
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