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EBOOK Embrace the Desire

EBOOK Embrace the Desire


Autor: Spring Stevens

Wydawnictwo: Crimson Romance
ISBN: 9781440579752
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Payne, a Destroyer with a tormented past, has a vendetta against his father, Damon, Lord of the Underworld. Forced to put his revenge aside, he is ordered to take Chanta Timbers through her transition from human to half-goddess. She's the hottest thing he's ever seen or touched, and his desire for her threatens to burn him alive. With the...
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EBOOK Embrace the Fire

EBOOK Embrace the Fire


Autor: Spring Stevens

Wydawnictwo: Crimson Romance
ISBN: 9781440568121
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Varick Ta Farg, a half-breed vampire reborn as a Destroyer, is entering the Mating Rite, an innate call from his soul to mate. Drawn to sassy Angelica Dark, he loses the control he covets and is thrown head first into a godly battle for power in the Heavens. As he tries to convince Angelica to be his mate, the other gods are tampering with his...
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