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Money and Government

Money and Government


Autor: Skidelsky Robert

Wydawnictwo: Penguin Books
ISBN: 9780141988610
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The dominant view in economics is that money and government should play only a minor role in economic life. Money, it is claimed, is more than a medium of exchange; and economic outcomes are best left to the 'invisible hand' of the market. Tracing the establishment of this orthodoxy and the challenges posed to it since the Great Depression of...
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Money and Government

Money and Government


Autor: Skidelsky Robert

Wydawnictwo: Allen Lane
ISBN: 9780241352823
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The dominant view in economics is that money and government should play only a minor role in economic life. Money, it is claimed, is nothing more than a medium of exchange; and economic outcomes are best left to the 'invisible hand' of the market. The view taken in this important new book is that the omnipresence of uncertainty make money and...
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