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The Harvest of a Century

The Harvest of a Century

Physics was the leading science of the twentieth century and the book retraces important discoveries, made between 1895 and 2001, in 100 self-contained episodes. Each is a short story of the scientists involved, their time, and their work. Together they form a mosaic of modern physics: formulating relativity and quantum mechanics, finding the...
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EBOOK Harvest of a Century Discoveries in Modern Physics in 100 Episodes

EBOOK Harvest of a Century Discoveries in Modern Physics in 100 Episodes


Autor: Siegmund Brandt

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780191580123
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Physics was the leading science of the twentieth century and the book retraces important discoveries, made between 1895 and 2001, in 100 self-contained Episodes. Each is a short story of the scientists involved, their time and their work. The book is richly illustrated by about 600 portraits, photographs and figures....
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