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EBOOK Assessment and Decision Making in Mental Health Nursing

EBOOK Assessment and Decision Making in Mental Health Nursing


Autor: Sandra Walker

Wydawnictwo: Learning Matters
ISBN: 9781446293775
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Assessment is an essential part of mental-health nursing and as such a core learning requirement for pre-registration nursing students. Getting assessment right is essential for the nursing student in order for them to become an effective practitioner. Many books on assessment are very theoretical. This is a practical, hands-on guide to the...
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EBOOK Assessment and Decision Making in Mental Health Nursing

EBOOK Assessment and Decision Making in Mental Health Nursing


Autor: Sandra Walker

Wydawnictwo: Learning Matters
ISBN: 9781446294192
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Assessment is an essential part of mental-health nursing and as such a core learning requirement for pre-registration nursing students. Getting assessment right is essential for the nursing student in order for them to become an effective practitioner. Many books on assessment are very theoretical. This is a practical, hands-on guide to the...
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EBOOK Curbside Consultation in Cataract Surgery

EBOOK Curbside Consultation in Cataract Surgery


Autor: Sandra Walker

Wydawnictwo: SLACK Incorporated
ISBN: 9781617119699
Kategoria: Pozostałe
49 Clinical Questions, Second EditionCurbside Consultation in Cataract Surgery: 49 Clinical Questions has been updated into a Second Edition! The Second Edition contains new questions and is completely updated! Curbside Consultation in Cataract Surgery, Second Edition contains new questions and brief, practical, and evidence-based answers to the...
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