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Adaptive Processing of Brain Signals

Adaptive Processing of Brain Signals


Autor: Saeid Sanei

Wydawnictwo: Blackwell Science
ISBN: 9780470686133
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Brain signal processing spans a broad range of knowledge across engineering, science and medicine, and this book brings together the disparate theory and application to create a comprehensive resource on this growing topic. It will provide advanced tools for the detection, monitoring, separation, localizing and understanding of brain functional,...
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EBOOK Adaptive Processing of Brain Signals

EBOOK Adaptive Processing of Brain Signals


Autor: Saeid Sanei

Wydawnictwo: Wiley
ISBN: 9781118622155
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In this book, the field of adaptive learning and processing is extended to arguably one of its most important contexts which is the understanding and analysis of brain signals. No attempt is made to comment on physiological aspects of brain activity; instead, signal processing methods are developed and used to assist clinical findings. Recent...
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EBOOK Adaptive Processing of Brain Signals

EBOOK Adaptive Processing of Brain Signals


Autor: Saeid Sanei

Wydawnictwo: Wiley
ISBN: 9781118622148
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In this book, the field of adaptive learning and processing is extended to arguably one of its most important contexts which is the understanding and analysis of brain signals. No attempt is made to comment on physiological aspects of brain activity; instead, signal processing methods are developed and used to assist clinical findings. Recent...
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