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EBOOK One Day's Loving

EBOOK One Day's Loving


Autor: Rue Allyn

Wydawnictwo: Crimson Romance
ISBN: 9781440567209
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Book 3 of the Wildfire Love seriesPersephone Mae Alden is the invisible Alden sister, quiet, industrious, generous, kind-hearted, loyal, and reliable. The words used to describe Mae remind her of a well-trained dog. She's not happy about it, but what can she do? She likes her quiet life and would be seriously upset if she had to defy...
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EBOOK One Night's Desire

EBOOK One Night's Desire


Autor: Rue Allyn

Wydawnictwo: Crimson Romance
ISBN: 9781440567186
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Book 2 of the Wildfire Love SeriesA woman on the run: Rustlers, claim jumpers, and fire - nothing will stop Kiera Alden from reuniting her family. But an accusation of murder threatens her dreams and sets Marshall Evrett Quinn on her trail. She may be able to escape prison bars and eventually prove her innocence, but she can't escape Ev's...
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EBOOK One Moment's Pleasure

EBOOK One Moment's Pleasure


Autor: Rue Allyn

Wydawnictwo: Crimson Romance
ISBN: 9781440565441
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Book 1 of the Wildfire Love seriesOne Moment's Pleasure will become a lifetime's passion when Boston spinster, Alexis Alden, embarks on a search for her missing sister. Pretending to be a rich bored woman looking for an interlude with an anonymous male, Alexis enters the San Francisco bordello where her sister was last seen. She...
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