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EBOOK A Winning Attitude

EBOOK A Winning Attitude


Autor: Rosie Hamilton-McGinty

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 9781848390065
Kategoria: Pozostałe
To Change Your Life, Change Your AttitudeWith a winning attitude you can motivate and guide yourself, do right by others, open the way to empathy, and become caring and compassionate.Rosie Hamilton-McGinty has worked with individuals and groups for the past 10 years, offering self-awareness and guidance. She is a trained stress-management...
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EBOOK Success - Putting People First…  Money Second

EBOOK Success - Putting People First… Money Second


Autor: Rosie Hamilton-McGinty

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 9781848390348
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Success is achieved by putting people first, money second. This is a new concept in Personal Development geared for the 21st century, in which emotional intelligence, charm, and generosity replace academic qualifications in securing good, strong personal and business relationships.One's success in life lies in one's ability to navigate...
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EBOOK True Wealth is Good Health

EBOOK True Wealth is Good Health


Autor: Rosie Hamilton-McGinty

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 9781848390393
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Road to a Healthier LifeIf you're fit and well, you can climb mountains, go jogging, play a sport, or just stay at home and enjoy good living. With the untold wealth of abundant good health, you can do almost anything - so where do you find good health? There's only one place to find it, and that is in YOU. But you have to take steps to...
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EBOOK Let Love Replace Religion

EBOOK Let Love Replace Religion


Autor: Rosie Hamilton-McGinty

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 9781848390225
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Taking a look at religion and spirituality, one would probably link the two very closely together, but in real terms, the two are not connected at all. We all know what religion means - being a member of a church, an order, a tribe or congregation that instills beliefs of a particular god or spirit - but what does spirituality actually mean? It...
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EBOOK The Power of the 21st Century Woman

EBOOK The Power of the 21st Century Woman


Autor: Rosie Hamilton-McGinty

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 9781848390386
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Since the turn of the millennium, things have been changing for women. We have seen opportunities improving; you will notice a rise in the amount of women who are reaching top positions of authority in business, corporations, and governments - a true reflection of women's capabilities and power in organising and multi-tasking. Women today have more...
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EBOOK Don't Just Dream About It… Do It!

EBOOK Don't Just Dream About It… Do It!


Autor: Rosie Hamilton-McGinty

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 9781848390102
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Are you dissatisfied with your life? If the answer to this question is "yes", and you're no longer content with things the way things are, then this audiobook is for you. Why shouldn't you have a better lifestyle, self image, career, and family circumstances, making life more enjoyable for you and everyone connected to you? Why shouldn't life be...
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