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EBOOK Expert PHP and MySQL

EBOOK Expert PHP and MySQL


Autor: Ronald Bradford

Wydawnictwo: Wrox Press
ISBN: 9780470643075
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Best practices and expert techniques for even the most demanding MySQL-driven PHP applicationsPHP is the world's most popular, general-purpose, open-source scripting language and MySQL is the world's most popular open-source database. This expert-level book begins with a brief overview of the two technologies and quickly moves on to...
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EBOOK Expert PHP and MySQL

EBOOK Expert PHP and MySQL


Autor: Ronald Bradford

Wydawnictwo: Wrox Press
ISBN: 9780470881644
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Best practices and expert techniques for even the most demanding MySQL-driven PHP applicationsPHP is the world's most popular, general-purpose, open-source scripting language and MySQL is the world's most popular open-source database. This expert-level book begins with a brief overview of the two technologies and quickly moves on to...
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