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EBOOK Harem Midwife

EBOOK Harem Midwife


Autor: Roberta Rich

Wydawnictwo: Doubleday
ISBN: 9780385676670
Kategoria: Pozostałe
From the Author of The Midwife of Venice: The Imperial Harem, Constantinople, 1579Hannah and Isaac Levi, Venetians in exile, have set up a new life for themselves in Constantinople. Isaac runs a newly established business in the growing silk trade, while Hannah, the best midwife in all of Constantinople, plies her trade within the opulent palace of...
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EBOOK Midwife of Venice

EBOOK Midwife of Venice


Autor: Roberta Rich

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9780385668286
Kategoria: Pozostałe
At midnight, the dogs, cats, and rats rule Venice. The Ponte di Ghetto Nuovo, the bridge that leads to the ghetto, trembles under the weight of sacks of rotting vegetables, rancid fat, and vermin. Shapeless matter, perhaps animal, floats to the surface of Rio di San Girolamo and hovers on its greasy waters. Through the mist rising from the canal...
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EBOOK Ludwik Hirszfeld

EBOOK Ludwik Hirszfeld


Autor: Roberta Rich

Wydawnictwo: University of Rochester Press
ISBN: 9781580468671
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Story of One LifeLudwik Hirszfeld (1884-1954), one of the most prominent serologists of the twentieth century, discovered the inheritance and established the nomenclature of blood groups and opened the field of human population genetics. He also carried out groundbreaking research in the genetics of disease and immunology. Following World War...
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