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The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Other Tales of Terror

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Other Tales of Terror


Autor: Robert Louis Stevenson

Wydawnictwo: Penguin
ISBN: 9780141439730
Kategoria: Thrillery, sensacyjne, kryminały
Published as a ?shilling shocker?, Robert Louis Stevenson?s dark psychological fantasy gave birth to the idea of the split personality. The story of respectable Dr Jekyll?s strange association with ?damnable young man? Edward Hyde the hunt through fog-bound London for a killer and the final revelation of Hyde?s true identity is a chilling...
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Treasure Island

Treasure Island


Autor: Robert Louis Stevenson

Wydawnictwo: Penguin
ISBN: 9780140437683
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
The story grew out of a map that led to imaginary treasure, devised during a holiday in Scotland by Stevenson and his nephew. The tale is told by an adventurous boy, Jim Hawkins, who gets hold of a treasure map and sets off with an adult crew in search of the buried treasure. Among the crew, however, is the treacherous Long John Silver who is...
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Treasure Island

Treasure Island

A young boy, Jim Hawkins, lives quietly by the sea with his mother and father. One day, Billy Bones comes to live with them and from that day everything is different. Jim meets Long John Silver, a man with one leg, and Jim and Long ohn Silver go far across the sea in a ship called the Hispaniola to Treasure Island....
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Treasure Island

Treasure Island

This title is part of an inexpensive range of classics in the "Penguin Popular Classics" series. Wyprawa na tajemniczą i obiecującą Wsypę Skarbów... Przeciwnikami są nie tylko piraci, ale też przyjaciele... Książka w języku angielskim....
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EBOOK Wyspa skarbów

EBOOK Wyspa skarbów


Autor: Robert Louis Stevenson

Wydawnictwo: Biblioteka Akustyczna
ISBN: 9788378780519
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Gdzieś daleko na morzu leży zagubiona wyspa, na której legendarny kapitan Flint ukrył swój piracki łup. Istnieje mapa, która wskazuje drogę do skarbu, jednak niewielu wie o jej istnieniu. Pewnego dnia niespodziewanie wpada ona w ręce młodego chłopaka o imieniu Jim, który postanawia wyruszyć na poszukiwanie tajemniczej wyspy. Nie zdaje sobie sprawy,...
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EBOOK Oxford Children's Classics

EBOOK Oxford Children's Classics


Autor: Robert Louis Stevenson

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780192738424
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Treasure IslandSet sail on a swashbuckling adventure . . . Danger! Pirates! Excitement! Action! Join Jim Hawkins as he sails the high seas aboard the Hispaniola in search of lost treasure . . . Oxford Children's Classics present not only the original and unabridged story of Treasure Island but also help you to discover a whole world...
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