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EBOOK Communication Skills for Medicine

EBOOK Communication Skills for Medicine


Autor: Robert Bor

Wydawnictwo: Elsevier
ISBN: 9780702042034
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This title was Highly Commended (Basis of Medicine category) in the BMA Awards 2005. A highly practical account of communication for medical students, backed up with numerous case histories. In addition to the clinical interview the book covers other aspects of communication including how to promote healthy behaviour and the need for the doctor to...
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EBOOK Therapy for Beginners

EBOOK Therapy for Beginners


Autor: Robert Bor

Wydawnictwo: SPCK
ISBN: 9781847091970
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Hundreds of thousands of people in the UK are referred for counselling every year. Many others are seriously considering therapy for a particular problem. This book addresses the questions such people may have, particularly any confusion and fear, and acknowledges the fact that the original problem may have dented confidence, lowered mood, raised...
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