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Osobowość. Jak uwolnić swoje ukryte siły

Osobowość. Jak uwolnić swoje ukryte siły

Każdy człowiek jest wyjątkowy. Ma indywidualne cechy, które składają się na jego osobowość. Kluczem do sukcesu jest poznanie swoich mocnych stron i zdanie sobie sprawy ze swoich wad. Ci, którzy zaszli na szczyt, potrafili okiełznać słabości i unikać sytuacji, w których mogłyby się one ujawnić. Jednocześnie robili wszystko, by zaistnieć w...
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I is for Influence

I is for Influence


Autor: Rob Yeung

Wydawnictwo: Palgrave Macmillan
ISBN: 9781905744657
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Psychologia
Some people are naturally gifted in the art of influence and persuasion. Why do some have it and others don't? And what is it, exactly, that makes someone and their point of view so irresistible? In fact, anyone can master the power of influence and Rob Yeung shows you how. Delving into fascinating psychology, he reveals unexpected insights...
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E is for Exceptional

E is for Exceptional


Autor: Rob Yeung

Wydawnictwo: Pan Books
ISBN: 9781447209980
Kategoria: Książki obcojęzyczne
Over the last decade, Rob Yeung has interviewed hundreds of high achievers in business, sport and entertainment to gain insight into the minds of successful people. Combining this knowledge with a wealth of scientific research, he has defined the subtle yet crucial differences that distinguish exceptional people from everyone else. By reading this...
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How to Win

How to Win


Autor: Rob Yeung

Wydawnictwo: Capstone Publishing
ISBN: 9780857084293
Kategoria: Poradniki i albumy
Never come second place again Say goodbye to feelings of inadequacy -- never again will you have to look on while someone else gets that promotion you wanted, wins the pitch you went for or beats you on the playing field. Bid farewell to that sense of jealously when someone else comes out on top, or that frustration when someone argues your socks...
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