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EBOOK Suffering and Bioethics

EBOOK Suffering and Bioethics


Autor: Rick Gadziola

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199926183
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Long before it cured disease, medicine aimed to relieve suffering-but despite that precedence, the relief of suffering often takes a back seat in today's biomedical research and treatment. Modern bioethics, too, has been slow to come to terms with suffering. Attention to ethical quandaries has sometimes displaced attention to the...
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EBOOK Raw Deal

EBOOK Raw Deal


Autor: Rick Gadziola

Wydawnictwo: ECW Press
ISBN: 9781554902491
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Jake Morgan loves Las Vegas. Hes a 33-year-old ex-cop from Boston who will wager on anything as long as his money holds out. Having run into trouble in Beantown, for the past year hes been eking out a living as a blackjack dealer at the posh Oasis Hotel & Casino. Christian Valentine, the star attraction of The Sultans Tent, tells Jake that hes...
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EBOOK Drawing Dead

EBOOK Drawing Dead


Autor: Rick Gadziola

Wydawnictwo: ECW Press
ISBN: 9781554902736
Kategoria: Pozostałe
?Jake Morgan just cant seem to win. In Drawing Dead, the Las Vegas poker dealer and ex-cop is dealt a hand by his casino boss and forced to play. A beautiful high roller, sick of her husband, takes a prescription of gambling and gamboling in Vegas to cure herself. She finds her medicine Morgan. He reluctantly plays hotel gigolo, and ends up in...
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