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EBOOK Deep Cover

EBOOK Deep Cover


Autor: Rachel Butler

Wydawnictwo: Dell
ISBN: 9780307422880
Kategoria: Pozostałe
UNDERCOVERAND TOTALLY EXPOSED . . .Tall, lithe Selena McCaffrey turns heads on the streetsand hides an assassins knife beneath her clothes. In another life, Selena would have chosen a peaceful career as a painter. But as a child, fate plunged her into a fight for survivaland a trusted father-figure forced her into a life of crime. Now the feds want...
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EBOOK Assassin

EBOOK Assassin


Autor: Rachel Butler

Wydawnictwo: Dell
ISBN: 9780307423306
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Selena McCaffrey knows what its like to fight for your life, to hone your body until its sharp and to never let down your guardfor anyone. A beautiful artist with a dark, painful past, Selena also knows how to keep secrets. With a .40-caliber Smith & Wesson and a double-edged dagger packed in her bags, Selena is leaving Key West for the...
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EBOOK Scorched

EBOOK Scorched


Autor: Rachel Butler

Wydawnictwo: Dell
ISBN: 9780440336686
Kategoria: Pozostałe
From her birth as the love child of a rich Southern family to her childhood on the streets, beautiful assassin Selena McCaffrey had one option: survive. Now she wants to put the past behind her and start a new life with the man she lovesbut her enemies have other plans. Someone has put out a half-million-dollar contract on Selenas lifeand two of...
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