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EBOOK To Whom It May Concern

EBOOK To Whom It May Concern


Autor: Priscila Uppal

Wydawnictwo: Doubleday
ISBN: 9780385673358
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Hardev Dange is suffering through a tumultuous year. Hes just been informed that the bank is going to foreclose on his house. His fickle daughter Birendra is on the verge of marriage, his son Emile is studying curses (while falling in love with a fellow male grad student), and his younger daughter, Dorothy, whos deaf, is working at a tattoo and...
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EBOOK Divine Economy of Salvation

EBOOK Divine Economy of Salvation


Autor: Priscila Uppal

Wydawnictwo: Random House
ISBN: 9780385673341
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In an assured and sophisticated debut novel, celebrated poet Priscila Uppal crafts a dark and suspenseful tale about the crimes of youth that haunt adult life.When she is sent away to a Catholic boarding school, Angela H. finds comfort and rebellion with a group of girls who call themselves The Sisterhood. On the verge of becoming women, the girls...
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