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Metafory w psychoterapii

Metafory w psychoterapii

Książka jest napisana z wdziękiem i bardzo przystępnie. (...) Autor zadał sobie trud aby uporządkować wiedzę na temat metafory i podsumować praktykom różne sposoby jej wykorzystania. Zdawałoby się więc, że nie ma w książce niczego nowego. A jednak. Bardzo pouczające, zwłaszcza dla początkujących psychoterapeutów, są liczne przykłady i zachęty do...
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Basic Family Therapy

Basic Family Therapy


Autor: Philip Barker

Wydawnictwo: John Wiley Sons
ISBN: 9781119945055
Kategoria: Naukowe, popularnonaukowe
/ Psychologia
The challenge facing the authors of texts that address the multiplicity and complexity of problems that may afflict families can be intimidating. Philip Barker has addressed this challenge head-on in each of the editions of this book. This task has been greatly facilitated by the contributions of the new co-author, Jeff Chang, and in this edition...
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EBOOK Basic Family Therapy

EBOOK Basic Family Therapy


Autor: Philip Barker

Wydawnictwo: Wiley
ISBN: 9781118624999
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The challenge facing the authors of texts that address the multiplicity and complexity of problems that may afflict families can be intimidating. Philip Barker has addressed this challenge head-on in each of the editions of this book. This task has been greatly facilitated by the contributions of the new co-author, Jeff Chang, and in this edition...
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EBOOK Basic Family Therapy

EBOOK Basic Family Therapy


Autor: Philip Barker

Wydawnictwo: Wiley
ISBN: 9781118624968
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The challenge facing the authors of texts that address the multiplicity and complexity of problems that may afflict families can be intimidating. Philip Barker has addressed this challenge head-on in each of the editions of this book. This task has been greatly facilitated by the contributions of the new co-author, Jeff Chang, and in this edition...
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