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EBOOK Communicating With More Confidence

EBOOK Communicating With More Confidence


Autor: Pauline Rowson

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 9781848390409
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Easy Step by Step GuideCommunicating effectively should be the simplest thing in the world, we talk and listen - or do we? And is that all there is to it? This audiobook shows you: how to read, interpret and use body language; how to open, structure and close conversations; how to influence people; how to get on someone's wavelength; how to...
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EBOOK Dead Man's Wharf

EBOOK Dead Man's Wharf


Autor: Pauline Rowson

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 9781848393295
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Horton and Cantelli are called to a nursing home where an elderly resident, suffering from dementia, claims she's been attacked by an intruder. Horton is ready to dismiss it as senile ramblings until he discovers that her room-mate has died, the dead woman's belongings are missing and her son, convicted for armed robbery, has been found dead in his...
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EBOOK Telemarketing, Cold Calling and Appointment Making - The Easy Step by Step Guide

EBOOK Telemarketing, Cold Calling and Appointment Making - The Easy Step by Step Guide


Autor: Pauline Rowson

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 9781848391055
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Telemarketing presents companies with some great opportunities to win more business. If done professionally it can help you to stimulate orders, generate leads, and build rapport with your customers. If done incorrectly you can lose business, alienate your customers, and destroy your organisation's reputation. In addition, you might fall foul of...
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EBOOK Fundraising for Your School

EBOOK Fundraising for Your School


Autor: Pauline Rowson

Wydawnictwo: Matrix Digital Publishing
ISBN: 9781848390652
Kategoria: Pozostałe
The Easy Step by Step GuideThis book will help those schools who wish to generate extra money outside of statutory funding to fund innovative projects, capital build programmes, staffing costs and other initiatives. It covers:The climate for fundraisingOrganising for fundraisingRegistering as a charityPreparation and writing your appealSources of...
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