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The Hollow

The Hollow


Autor: Nora Roberts

Wydawnictwo: Piatkus
ISBN: 9780749938857
Kategoria: Literatura piękna
/ Proza polska, zagraniczna
In the small village of Hawkins Hollow, three best friends who share the same birthday sneak off into the woods for a sleepover the evening before turning 10. But a night of pre-pubescent celebration turns into a night of horror as their blood brother oath unleashes a three-hundred year curse. Twenty-one years later, Fox O'Dell and his friends have...
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Savour the Moment

Savour the Moment


Autor: Nora Roberts

Wydawnictwo: Piatkus
ISBN: 9780749929299
Kategoria: Literatura piękna
/ Proza polska, zagraniczna
Nora Roberts is the number one New York Times bestseller of more than 190 novels. With more than 300 million copies of her books in print, and over 150 New York Times bestsellers to date, Nora Roberts is indisputably the most celebrated women's fiction writer today....
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Im Licht der Träum

Im Licht der Träum

Viele Jahre lang haben Calin und Bryna einander gesucht. Jetzt haben sie sich gefunden, aber ist ihre Liebe stark genug, den mächtigen Feind zu besiegen? Wird die zauberhafte Allena Conal aus seiner Einsamkeit befreien können? Kann die Liebe im Traum ebenso verführen wie im richtigen Leben?...
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Daring to Dream

Daring to Dream


Autor: Nora Roberts

Wydawnictwo: Piatkus
ISBN: 9780749938642
Kategoria: Literatura piękna
/ Proza polska, zagraniczna
Raised together, Kate, Margo, and Laura are as close as real sisters, despite their differing backgrounds. Laura Templeton is the beloved daughter of the wealthy Templetons, Kate Powell is her orphaned cousin, and Margo Sullivan is the housekeeper's daughter. Margo has achieved fame and success far away from home, but her world comes crashing down...
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Holding the Dream

Holding the Dream


Autor: Nora Roberts

Wydawnictwo: Piatkus
ISBN: 9780749938659
Kategoria: Literatura piękna
/ Proza polska, zagraniczna
Surrounded by the sweeping cliffs and beauty of Big Sur, California, Kate Powell treasures her life at Templeton Houseand the family who raised her like one of their own. Although Kate lacks Margo's beauty and Laura's elegance, she knows she has something they would never possess - a shrewd head for business. Driven by ambition, Kate measures her...
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Święte grzechy

Święte grzechy


Autor: Nora Roberts

Wydawnictwo: Amber (uprz)
ISBN: 9788324132935
Kategoria: Literatura piękna
/ Romanse
"Grzechy są jej odpuszczone". Te słowa widnieją na kartkach pozostawionych przy ciałach młodych kobiet - ofiar seryjnego mordercy. Policjantowi z wydziału zabójstw pomaga w śledztwie Tess Court, która ma stworzyć portret psychologiczny zabójcy. Takie zlecenie oznacza prawdziwe wyzwanie dla młodej lekarki. I śmiertelne ryzyko - bo Tess staje...
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