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Why Does Electricity Flow?

Why Does Electricity Flow?


Autor: Moore Rob

Wydawnictwo: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521137485
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A series of twenty non-fiction science readers which engages children in the world around them. What is electricity? What is static electricity? Why do batteries go flat? You can find the answers to these and other questions about electricity in Why Does Electricity Flow?...
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Why Does It Fly?

Why Does It Fly?


Autor: Moore Rob

Wydawnictwo: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521137478
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A series of twenty non-fiction science readers which engages children in the world around them. What makes flight possible? Why can a bumblebee fly? How does a jet engine work? You can find the answers to these and other questions about flight and gravity in Why Does It Fly?...
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Why Do Balls Bounce?

Why Do Balls Bounce?


Autor: Moore Rob

Wydawnictwo: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521137447
Kategoria: Pozostałe
A series of twenty non-fiction science readers which engages children in the world around them. What is gravity? Why don't skydivers fall off into space? Do heavy objects fall faster than light objects? You can find the answers to these and other questions about gravity in Why Do Balls Bounce?...
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Money Know More Make More Give More

Money Know More Make More Give More


Autor: Moore Rob

Wydawnictwo: John Murray
ISBN: 9781473641334
Kategoria: Pozostałe
Do you want to get to the stage - soon - where you are truly financially independent, able to use your money in the way you'd like, and be completely confident in your ability to take care of yourself and your family?That is a universal desire, but many of us regard wealth and financial independence as a goal which we'll likely never achieve -...
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