Mitchell H.Q., Malkogianni Marileni

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Pioneer Intermediate Workbook

Pioneer Intermediate Workbook


Autor: Mitchell H.Q., Malkogianni Marileni

Wydawnictwo: MM Publications
ISBN: 9789605098988
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This is an innovative course for young adults which takes learners from Beginner to Advanced level.The course follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference and focuses on the systematic development of key competences.The course is organized into twelve topic-based modules, which allows learners to deal with a variety of...
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Pioneer Pre-Intermediate Workbook

Pioneer Pre-Intermediate Workbook


Autor: Mitchell H.Q., Malkogianni Marileni

Wydawnictwo: MM Publications
ISBN: 9789605098940
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This is an innovative course for young adults which takes learners from Beginner to Advanced level.The course follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference and focuses on the systematic development of key competences.The course is organized into twelve topic-based modules, which allows learners to deal with a variety of...
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Pioneer Elementary Workbook

Pioneer Elementary Workbook


Autor: Mitchell H.Q., Malkogianni Marileni

Wydawnictwo: MM Publications
ISBN: 9789605098902
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This is an innovative course for young adults which takes learners from Beginner to Advanced level.The course follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference and focuses on the systematic development of key competences.The course is organized into twelve topic-based modules, which allows learners to deal with a variety of...
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Pioneer Beginners Workbook

Pioneer Beginners Workbook


Autor: Mitchell H.Q., Malkogianni Marileni

Wydawnictwo: MM Publications
ISBN: 9789605098865
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This is an innovative course for young adults which takes learners from Beginner to Advanced level.The course follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference and focuses on the systematic development of key competences.The course is organized into twelve topic-based modules, which allows learners to deal with a variety of...
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Pioneer Biginners Student's Book

Pioneer Biginners Student's Book


Autor: Mitchell H.Q., Malkogianni Marileni

Wydawnictwo: MM Publications
ISBN: 9789605098834
Kategoria: Pozostałe
This is an innovative course for young adults which takes learners from Beginner to Advanced level.The course follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference and focuses on the systematic development of key competences.The course is organized into twelve topic-based modules, which allows learners to deal with a variety of...
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New Matura Plus Podręcznik i repetytorium z płytą CD

New Matura Plus Podręcznik i repetytorium z płytą CD


Autor: Mitchell H.Q., Malkogianni Marileni

Wydawnictwo: MM Publications
ISBN: 9789605097028
Kategoria: Pozostałe
New Matura Plus to nie tylko podręcznik adresowany do uczniów zdających egzamin maturalny z języka angielskiego na poziomie podstawowym, ale również doskonałe kompendium dla nauczycieli. New Matura Plus ćwiczy wszystkie umiejętności językowe konieczne do osiągnięcia sukcesu na egzaminie maturalnym....
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