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Free Fall

Free Fall


Autor: Mills

Wydawnictwo: Arnold Publishers
ISBN: 9780340734247
Kategoria: Literatura piękna
/ Proza polska, zagraniczna
A top-secret FBI file - buried in an anonymous government warehouse since J Edgar Hoover's death - is missing. The unlucky student who uncovered it is dead, and now his ex-girlfriend is on the run, accused of murder. The only man everyone agrees can find her and turn up the explosive document is 'off-duty', suspended and under the threat of...
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Second Horseman

Second Horseman


Autor: Mills

Wydawnictwo: Arnold Publishers
ISBN: 9780340835951
Kategoria: Literatura piękna
/ Proza polska, zagraniczna
The Ukranian Mob reportedly has 12 nuclear bombs for sale. Richard Scanlan, a former FBI superagent and currently head of a Vegas-based intelligence contractor, wants the U.S. to purchase the weapons before a terrorist group gets its hands on them. The government's intelligence team discredits the reports so Scanlon decides to engineer the purchase...
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EBOOK White Collar The American Middle Classes, Fiftieth Anniversary Edition 2/e
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EBOOK Sociological Imagination
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EBOOK Power Elite New ed

EBOOK Power Elite New ed


Autor: MILLS

Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199761142
Kategoria: Pozostałe
In this classic study C.Wright Mills offers and astute and insightful look at the power base in American and how it came to be. Mills despicts the style of life of the mend and women at the upper echelons and the military/corporate/governmental trinity of pwer. Mills examines the nature of the mass society of which these higher circles, from...
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